Friday, March 4


I'm so excited about going to Boston tomorrow am. We have to wake up at the crack of dawn! :) We are leaving Greenville at 6am to drive to Raleighwood for our 9am flight. I am packed and ready to go. With a huge suitcase to check under the plane, a tote bag and a pillow for a carry on. Alex has been spending the night this week (she came down to help with the church children's consignment sale) so that has been nice. Except She got sick last night and still feels really bad. I hope she gets better soon. But it was nice for her to help me pack.

I got my hair cut today and ran a ton of errands so it's nice for all of that to be done!

We were supposed to post our expectations on the TenDays Facebook page, so here is what I posted:

-to be able to flow in the gifts of the spirit and for that to open someone's heart for the Lord. I think it would be so cool to pray for healing and see some healed or receive a word of knowledge etc.

- to meet some girls from political families or interested in politics themselves and for them to come to know the Lord I think it would be cool to meet someone influential!

-to bring more excitement for evangelism back to ECU. I love doing evangelim on ECU's campus so I am really excited to evangelize in another city- especially a northern city. I wanted to read all of these books to help with evangelism (More than a carpenter, the reason for God, I want to bear fruit...)before I left but haven't completed that! Will maybe take something to read on the plane.

-to learn about church plants and campus ministry plants This is something I am interested in long term so I really would love to learn all I can. This is also something I think that you would have to learn a lot about from hands on experience rather than just books.

-to have fun and bond with ECU friends! :) Super excited about everyone going.I'm sure there will be good times had by all! :)


-My endoscopy went well. The doctors found nothing!! They have me taking my medicine twice a day now instead of once!

-My car still has the big black smudge. Waiting on the check from OLD BAY Insurance to come in....

-FYI Ollies has many books, but no good study Bibles. Unless you want a Catholic one or one with Apocrypha. Not up my alley. Wasn't thrilled with Barnes and Nobles selection and when I wheeled into Gville's Christian book store they were already closed... So after break that's where I will be headed before 6pm :)

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