Monday, January 31

Job Chapters 1-20

So I haven't been writing about what I have been reading about Job at all! This is largely due to the fact that this has been a really hard book to read through. Since last February I have gone through the hardest, most heartbreaking, painful, confusing thing I have ever gone through...

So all that to say that I haven't been super excited to sit down and read about Job's heartache. But tonight I realized enough is enough, I have to just keep reading and get through it so I can read the rest of the Bible! I am so off "schedule" but I am just going to keep going! :)

While reading Job, I can't help but think "this guy has some pretty bad friends!" Lately I have been preparing to speak at the Valentine's Brunch that our campus ministry puts on. I am excited about it but nervous too! ("say a little prayer for me" ((singing voice))

So to prepare for my topic of "Singleness" I have been listening to Lynette Lewis podcasts! I love her! I really admire her b/c
a.) She is such an awesome woman of God
3.) She is bold
e.) She is super feminine
z.) She is all of these things but can still hold her own around men w/o being a feminists or "take overish"

This past September I went to the Pure Life Conference which she hosts. And her message the first night was phenomenal. I listened to it again over the past two days and was in tears! She talked about 4 different friends you need through life. One category I'm thinking about tonight is of "Break Through Friends." Friends who will take you to Jesus when you can't get to Him yourself. She said their were seasons of her singleness in which she was so broken and dry she couldn't even read the Word or find the right scriptures. She talked about the "Mat Friends" from the Gospels. (Mark 2 & Luke 5).

Luke 5:20 says "When Jesus saw their faith, he said, "Friend your sins are forgiven." I want to be that kind of friend who does all I can to take my friends to Jesus, even carry them on a mat and tear into a roof! I don't think Job could say the same for his friends!

It makes me think what kind of a friend am I to others? Do I encourage people, build them up, help them rise to the next level, & when they really need it do I pull them up? I love my friends but want to be more cognizant of speaking life to them!

More thoughts on Job to come, but for now a little pic of my reading buddy!

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