Sunday, April 28

Fat Mirrors and Dove Videos

So lately I have not been liking how I look or talking well about my body. I know I am not obesese, but in all honestly I have gained 5-10lbs in the past year. No big deal, I just need to watch what I eat and exercise right! Right!

Well I don't know what my deal has been b/c I have sort of been obsessing over it. I try to camouflage my body and cover up the extra weight. This takes forever and stresses me out. One thing I have done that has helped is to remove the "fat mirror" that was hanging on my closet door. You know how some mirrors are skinny, fat, or normal. Well removing this mirror, which actually needs to be thrown out has helped tremedously. So has getting a pedicure, buying a pair of jack rogers, a few clothes that fit. (PS  the jack rogers were my "I got my tax return back" splurge!) All that has been great but I think the thing is that I don't need to look in a mirror that much anyway. I just need to make sure everything is covered up and that I don't have something in my teeth!

Also, I came across these dove videos and realized how important it is to not worry about my image. Of course scripture is uber helpful, but something about watching these videos made everything "click" in my brain! Click this to watch my favorite video on the dove website! I couldn't believe the women could not come up with anything that they love about their bodies. I love my eyes, my fingernails, and my collarbone area (random I know)! My eyes really are my favorite, but they are inherited from my namesake great grandma, my granddaddy and mama! Watch these videos! It is sooooo crazy what the media tells us about our looks. God created us in His image! He thinks we are beautiful! But the most beautiful part about us that know Him, is that we are His!!

I did order a cookbook that I am excited about to help me eat healthy! Dr. Josh Axe also has a facebook page with lots of helpful hints etc.

But in general I have decided to just be healthy and embrace the body that I have! Everyone isn't a supermodel. Even supermodels don't look like supermodels!

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