(The Only picture I took on Thanksgiving was this one at the end of the day! Oh well Jack is precious! :))
I have been MIA from blogging the past few weeks! I was so going to sit down and write something over Thanksgiving Break but I was just enjoying the break sooooo much and I was pretty lazy!!

Thanksgiving was a great time with friends and family. On Turkey day at my mom's house we had 17 people. The regular Thanksgiving crowd plus friends this year which was so fun! My childhood friend Suzanne, her mom Gala, and "Nana" came as well as my sister's friend Melissa, her husband Cole, and their baby Sarah Margaret! I only took pictures of me and Jack (my precious nephew)! That night Suzanne and I saw "The Muppets" movie which was super cute! It was nice to see a movie with no blood or sex! In the hotel room they even showed twin beds!! The movie was squeaky clean, cheesy, & perfect! It even included an 80's robot! I miss 80's movies!!

I did want to post about seeing the play OKLAHOMA on Monday night before Thanksgiving! I went with Praisy, Hannah, & Carolyn! We saw Emily in the play! She was awesome and played a little girl & Dream Laurie! The play was so fun! I Hadn’t been to one in years and ECU always does a great job!! We laughed soo hard at the way everyone in the production spoke! Their oldschool wester accent was hilarious! Example willow tree= willer!! Oklahoma is a funny play so we were laughing at it and these ladies behind us b/c they were rolling the whole time!!
It was definitely the most fun I had had on a Monday night in a loooonnnngggg time!
This week will be busy! We are decorating our Church sanctuary and we always do it up big! I am speaking Thursday night about Dreams/ God's purpose for our life. Please pray for me (all two of you!) I want to speak what God wants me to and I don't want to be nervous!! This semester I have been doing a Bible Study with the other VCM staff felines called "Lioness Arising." It was a good study but every week Lisa Bevere got up in our business (in a good way) about the dreams in our hearts, what God is calling us to do etc. I kept thinking speaking more and walking into that area of campus ministry more, so we shall see how it goes!!!
(I wanted to add a few pictures but will have to do that later!)
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