Thursday, September 1

3 things I'm loving right now!

Today was the best day in the world!!! Not because of anything big but because of a 1000000000 little things! Here are the def top 3:

3. The Weather was gorgeous today!! It was a nice sunny day, barely a cloud in the sky with a a nice breeze. Still shorts weather but not excruciating heat!

2. I have a new baby nephew!! Little Jack is one week old today!! He is precious and perfect. He looks just like his daddy but with "the Norman nose." The Norman nose is the nose my Granddaddy Parks, mama, Aunt Janette, Aunt Mimi, Carrie (Jack's mama) and I have! Mama, Daddy, and baby are all doing great! Hopefully I will get to see them again soon!
(this is what Jack's nose looks like :))

1. I love my "job." I love doing ministry at the school I love! ECU is a school that most people haven't heard of unless they are from NC! And I am totally ok with that! This is where I grew up! I came to know the Lord, grow in my faith, and mature into an adult here! I love sharing the Gospel and the same truths I learned with students, yards away from where the same truths were shared with me!! I love the legacy of our campus ministry! Yesterday I talked with a student about the Holy Spirit, the same thing I talked to my campus minister at the time Heather with, 9 years ago!! I called Heather and told her about it last night and she told me another story about a conversation we had back then about when I first wanted to go into campus ministry, second semester of my Freshman year! What a young buck I was back then! I had just gotten saved months before that at Christmas time.
Anyway, all that to say, the past two days I have had such good conversations about life and the Lord with such sweet girls! I am so thankful & humbled that the Lord had called me to speak into these precious lives! Lives I know the Lord treasures in His heart! 28,000 students can be a little overwhelming, so I love it when the Lord "drops" relationships in your lap He wants you to cultivate!
(one of the sweet girls Praisy that I'm friends with! She said, don't make me pose here like a freshman! :))

I feel like such a lucky lucky girl! I have a cute little apartment, an awesome support team, a great town to call home, an awesome church, family that loves me, a cute bundle of cuddleness for a nephew, and a Saviour who has seen me through the good, the bad, & the ugliness of my heart that He is constantly renewing, who still loves me!!

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