Sunday, March 4

Bienvenidos a Miami

Our Miami adventure started yesterday really early! I woke up before my alarm at 2 am! We left Greenville at 4:10am to go to RDU. Precious Kendall picked me up and then rode with us to Raleigh so she could drive the church van back! What a trooper! The plane ride was fun b/c Sarah and Brittany had never flown before! People watching at the airport is my favorite and I sure wasn’t disappointed! After we got to Miami, we pretty much hung out yesterday during the afternoon at the Middleton’s house and got to know everyone.

Today we ate breakfast at a Cuban restaurant. Thank God Elissa speaks Spanish b/c the little bit I remember wasn’t cutting it! Then we went to SouthCoast, the church plant we are helping with this week. Worship and the message were sooo good! I took so many notes that smoke was coming out of my pen. We talked about Nehemiah and the parallels between him and Jesus. I really needed to hear this message b/c it called out so many things in my life! One of the biggest idols in my life is comfort. I love to be comfy cozy all the time. Ross talked about how he didn’t think God was too concerned about the physical comfort of the people in the Bible. He was saying no great leaders in the Bible were ever comfortable. Super convicted! I so need to stop complaining/whining when I’m not comfortable/get me way!

The other thing he said that really stuck out to me was that part of their church’s DNA was the concept of refusing to offend God by not believing Him for big things! I so don’t think this way at all! This really called out hope and faith in me for things that I am believing for, both in my life and for what I hope to see on ECU’s campus!

*I am so excited for the rest of this mission trip! Honestly this Ten Days trip more than ever, I have been more concerned about keeping up with the ECU girls, not what I would get out of the trip. I have already been challenged & inspired and we really haven’t even started yet.

I am excited to see what God does in the lives of our ECU Students!

I am excited to hang out with Elissa and do evangelism with her! She and I were the only girls in our class at EN’s School of Campus Ministry. We got really close living together during those two months! We may both have “Positivity” and “Woo” (from Strength Finders) but we are completely different too. Elissa is super bold and exuberant. I am pretty outgoing but she is way out there! So I am stoked to do evangelism with her on FIU’s campus. I want to bring back her passion and boldness! Tomorrow is going to be fun!! (or F-u-n-n as Victoria says!)


So Why Miami:

“Miami is home to about 6 million people and home to over 400,000 college students. National Geographic named Miami as the most diverse city in America.”

“With the generally Catholic Latino population, most likely only about 1%-1.5% at most of that Christian population is evangelical Christians. This is lower than Mainland China and lower than Europe.”

“At FIU there are about 45,000 students with around 300 students total attending all the campus ministries put together.”

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