Tuesday, August 18

The Gospel According to Lilly!

I love bright colors, anything pink and green and anything preppy. I love Vera Bradley, seer sucker and palm trees. But I really love Lilly Pulitzer clothes! (I can't afford them though!) I only bought one dress for myself in college which was a size 2 which I thought I could lose some weight and get back down into it. Well that never happened and I have filled out some more since then! But I did have two dresses that looked liked Lilly dresses and wore those things out!

Well back this spring, our church had a women's conference. The main speaker was Elizabeth Stewart and one of my favorite stories she told was on how God knew the desires of her heart. She told about how when she and her husband and little girls lived in Guam years ago they didn't have a whole lot. She said she loved nice things and couldn't really afford them. Well she had a love for Lilly Pulitzer clothes too that started for her back in High School when she bought the fabric and made her own dresses (Like the Proverbs 31 woman), (Lilly no longer even sells fabric b/c people sold knock off dresses). So anyway while in Guam, she learned that Lilly Pulitzer clothes were manfactured in the Philipeans, not too far away. Well somehow they had a connection to get Lilly dresses for $9! (That is a great deal! The dresses sell for $140-$260ish!) She said when she came back to the United States dressing her little girls in Lilly that people looked at her like she was squandering the Lord's money. But little did they know that she got the dresses so cheap! :)

The story really spoke to me about God's faithfulness and how He will provide for your needs and some of your wants and knows the desires of your heart (He put them there, so you know He knows them! :> ). I went up to her and told her so and she looked at me and made me turn around and asked me what size I was! My friend Stephanie was there too and she asked Stephanie if she wanted some Lilly clothes too and Stephanie told her she didn't know what they were and Elizabeth said "well you really need some then!" Ha! So anyway, I guess you have figured it out... she sent us some Lilly clothes! I ended up with two pairs of capris and one dress! I did have to do a few alterations but it was worth it! :)

Afterwards, I felt so loved by God that He cared enough to send me Lilly clothes. I felt like He was saying "I want you to have nice things even though you can't buy them for yourself." What a sweet testimony and an even sweeter Daddy we have!

1 comment:

somuchtosaySteph said...

I love it! It's amazing to me how much I have grown since those events! God really knows what He's doing!